This is a series of Prints (Tabloid oversize, 12×18″), that revolve around smoking, and why it’s bad for you, in a thought-provoking way, using inquisitive wording, but surreal imagery. Not quite as harsh as the pictures used on cigarette packs in the EU, but meant to be a sharp reminder of the effects smoking is proven to have. The series of five pictures tells a short story, beginning with the person that smokes being broken down, turning unrecognizable, being addicted, slowly withering away (fading), and being gone eventually. The last picture is a book cover that went along with the theme on this project, being the cover for an imaginary book about smoking, what effects it has on you, possibly personal stories, etc.

The Challenge for this project was to use textures found in an everyday environment, like concrete, pavement, and rusted iron, that are used here.